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Voting Results
Voting was open from 9/17/13 to 9/25/13

Dead Flowers

by Barry Graham

The Wrong Place to Crash

by Vince Tasso

The Darkest Part of the City

by Steven Payne

The Wrong Place to Crash
by Vince Tasso


Chris Anderson (Three Corpse Circus)

  1. The Wrong Place to Crash

  2. The Darkest Part of the City

  3. Dead Flowers

David Krzisnik (Three Corpse Circus)

  1. The Wrong Place to Crash

  2. Dead Flowers

  3. The Darkest Part of the City

Robert Poole (IndieHorror.TV)

  1. The Darkest Part of the City

  2. The Wrong Place to Crash

  3. Dead Flowers

Fan Vote

  1. Dead Flowers (6589 votes)

  2. The Darkest Part of the City (3785 votes)

  3. The Wrong Place to Crash (50 votes)

Final Tally

1. The Wrong Place to Crash (Average Rank: 2.25)

2. (Tie) The Darkest Part of the City (Avg Rank: 1.75)

               Dead Flowers (Avg Rank: 1.75)

Thoughts on the films...

"Vince Tasso has submitted other films to us before and his style is very much a throwback to Ed Wood. It's extremely low budget and uses very obvious effects that give away the production quality but that's what makes it work.

It's fun and stylistically it doesn't compare with everything else out there. In a market flooded with seriousness, Vince provides a nice breath of fresh air."
-Robert Poole on Vince's "The Wrong Place to Crash"

"Steven Payne's The Darkest Part of the City shows incredible promise. The sumerian cult backdrop, if explored more and really built out has a lot of potential. We get a slight taste of Zelda's personal problems but not an exceptionally deep view on how that ties into what she's facing when she walks home every day.

I felt that if this was a feature length film where we learned more about Zelda, the cult and Orlando (best performance in the film was this character, IMO) I feel it could really work. Lots of positives to take away from this film."
-Robert Poole on Steven's "The Darkest Part of the City"

"Barry Graham is a brand new filmmaker but it's clear he has some interesting ideas that he wants to put on film. I think that as he develops more as a filmmaker the ability to piece a story together will only get stronger.

There are clearly some elements of the film that are intriguing. The ghost wife wandering around after her murder. The husband's sanity being clearly in question with the victim he takes.

I think we are supposed to read too much into things which makes them a bit murky and hard to follow. I feel though Barry did a great job on his first film and look forward to seeing his other work in the future."
-Robert Poole on Barry Graham's "Dead Flowers"

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