Reservation Info
Call: 1-888-334-3987
Website: http://www.edgewater-inn-cottages.com
Mention: "IndieHorror.TV" for 15% off!
If we have enough interest to fill the Cabins and the Inn, we have set up a special arrangement with the Bridgewater Inn to accept our special discounted pricing AND provide a shuttle!

What do we get?
Cabin Reservations are handled through Edgewater. Here's what IndieHorror.TV is throwing in!
2 Specially Designed IHTV event Tees (design by Brian Defferding) per Cabin/Inn booking (Sizes S-3XL)***
1 Bottle Adrienne King's Crystal Lake Wine per booking
1 Bottle of Ari Lehman's "Jason's Own Slasher Sauce" (hot sauce) per booking
We've rented a Pontoon Boat for Saturday June 14th!
We're providing a barrel of beer for everyone to share!
We'll be providing s'mores materials for a late night campfire
We're providing an outdoor theater to show some Friday the 13th and other Indie Campground films
One additional surprise gift per room***
***-These gifts only available if you make your reservation by 5/16/14

What else is there to do?
Outside of the movies and pontoon boat we're making available:
Downtown Eagle River is home to tons of specialty shops
The Great Northern Beer Festival (Sat. Only) with a FREE Shuttle from the Edgewater Inn
Eagle River Pirates. Yes, you can go on a pirate ship!
Soda Pops Restaurant featuring hundreds of sodas from all over the world!
Eagle Falls Adventure Golf is having a Friday the 13th Zombie Laser Tag Hunt!

Join us for a unique experience this Friday the 13th!
Here are the official winners of our Friday the 13th Weekend Giveaway!
We'll be reaching out to the winners individually to get your mailing address for your prizes - if you see your name and we haven't gotten to you yet, please reach out to us at info@indiehorror.tv with your address and we'll get back to you in a hurry!
GRAND PRIZE WINNER (4 Days/3 Nights at the Friday the 13th Weekend - June 12-15):
SECOND PRIZE WINNERS (Color Changing Mug):
THIRD PRIZE WINNERS (Event T-Shirt - need your size as well):
Emails will go out Friday (5/2) morning, mugs will be ordered/shipped in 1-2 weeks and tees will go out in Mid-Late May before the event. CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL WHO ENTERED!
You've heard about corporate sponsored cruises where a company slaps a name on a super overpriced cruise and people pay just to take a normal cruise with very few company based incentives? We decided we wanted to do something that fit our audience and of course, would be a lot of fun for everyone.
Toss out the cruise, enter in the cabin by the woods experience and a sponsor that actually cares about their audience. From Thursday June 12th through Sunday morning June 15th, we're going to provide an incredibly fun experience for all. So let us run through the main particulars:
Right now we have free reign to make reservations at a 15% DISCOUNT at Edgewater Inn and Cottages (link) in beautiful Eagle River, WI. There are 5 Available Cottages (Cottage 7 is unavailable).
Pricing for the cottages is on their site, remember if you call and make a reservation tell them this is for the INDIE HORROR.TV event and you shall receive your discount. The great part about the cottages is most can fit 4-5 or possibly more people. Several of the bedrooms have bunkbeds, several of the living rooms have futons or pull out couches. And of course if you had air mattresses/sleeping bags you could add additional friends. By getting a cabin and having multiple people get in on it, you've cut the cost down dramatically.
Outside of cottages/cabins, there are rooms in the Inn which are much like motel/hotel suites. These are more cost-friendly if you're looking to stay on a per night basis. Again, the same discount will apply.
IF we happen to fill up, we will be working with other area resorts to get similar accommodations.
Please call 1-888-334-3987 to make your reservation today!
Here's where we step in. We will provide evening entertainment, meaning you're free to spend the day roaming the area. The downtown area is incredibly fun and I strongly recommend trying out all of the Sodas at SODA POPS RESTAURANT or going to the EAGLE RIVER PIRATES or even just sticking around and fishing or boating from the dock. ALSO, this is the same weekend of the GREAT NORTHERN BEER FESTIVAL so that's another thing you can do during the day!
We've rented a Pontoon boat for everyone to use on Saturday June 14th.
In addition, we will provide two free IndieHorror.TV t-shirts***, one free bottle of Adrienne King's Crystal Lake Wine per cabin/room, and we might even have some swag bags to share from our filmmakers. We'll also be providing one bottle of Ari Lehman's "Jason's Own Slasher Sauce" per room.
On FRIDAY THE 13TH we will have a special guest, a LIVE VIDEO CHAT with ADRIENNE KING (Alice from Friday the 13th 1 & 2) JUST FOR OUR CAMPERS!!
Also we're providing beer. Not just any beer, high quality craft beer from Stone Cellar Brewpub in Appleton, WI!
Outside of the Pontoon Boat, starting at 6pm and going until Midnight Friday and Saturday we will have an outdoor theater set up for everyone to watch classic Friday the 13th movies - Parts 1-8.
There will be campfires, we will provide the necessary materials to make s'mores. AND we will be renting a barrel of beer for everyone to enjoy. Courtesy of the channel.
The only costs to you are your room, your food and your transportation.
PLEASE HURRY - The space is not locked down exclusively to us so we need everyone to make their reservation TODAY to guarantee this awesome event.
Please call 1-888-334-3987 to make your reservation today!