State of the Channel Address
Some huge announcements were made with the STATE OF THE CHANNEL ADDRESS...
These included:
More info about the 90 Day Film Competition and clarification on how the Nintendo System part works into the films
World Premiere Dates for THE MUSE, FOUND, KILL THAT BITCH and More
New 7 Day/Week Schedule
Sunday Nights starting in Mid-July we're going to be doing WOMEN IN HORROR PANEL CHATS (more info coming soon)
CHARRED REMAINS is coming to IHTV soon!
We need YOUR HELP to find more content and contact filmmakers to get their shorts, films, series, etc on our channel! Join the team!
And in NOVEMBER we're holding our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY PARTY which will held in a hall in Ann Arbor, MI. Food/Drinks/Door Prizes and YOU'RE ALL INVITED. First come, first serve reservations. We will be announcing more info as we get it!
90 Day Short Film Competition
June 15-September 15th (All submissions must be in by Midnight 9/15 Eastern Time)
1. Films must be 30 minutes or less in total length.
2. Films will be required to have a the following Household item: Nintendo Video Game System and the following phrase: "I'll never beat that fucking game."
3. Films must be entirely original and shot specifically for this contest (no editing previous short films to make them work with the competition).
4. Post-Submission period, all films will be placed very briefly on a YouTube playlist where our viewers can watch and vote on the shorts. They will be polled on a 1-10 scale and asked to rate the films. Once the Judging period has ended, all videos will be removed from our YouTube account.
5. The Judging Panel will consist of Robert Poole, Founder of IHTV, two members of The Three Corpse Circus Film Festival and the aggregate score of the viewer voting. The four scores will be combined for an average and the film with the highest overall average will be declared the winner.
6. Anything submitted to the contest will give IHTV indefinite license to air but NOT ownership rights nor exclusivity. You may air your film anywhere you would like, submit to film festivals, put it on online video sites, sell physical copies. It's your work, you own it. We just want the ability to continue to air the films.
The Grand Prize (The winning film will receive):
1. A plaque or trophy commemorating their achievement.
2. A spot in the Three Corpse Circus Horror Short Film Festival held in Ann Arbor, MI at The Michigan Theater on September 28, 2013.
3. A Live IndieHorror.TV Director's Chat (video chat) AT the Three Corpse Circus Festival with live audience participation.
4. IndieHorror.TV will start an Indiegogo to fundraise for your next feature length film. (Disclaimer: IHTV will get first broadcast rights, with a World Premiere and a handful of follow up airings.) The Fundraiser will go from September 29th - December 31st and will be promoted by our social media pages at least one time daily, every day during the Fundraising effort.
5. Founder, Robert Poole will personally donate $500 to jump start the fundraiser.
6. During our Halloween Week Long Marathon, multiple drop ins will be done during the 24/7 broadcast schedule, working in telethon fashion to plug the fundraiser.
7. On every broadcast between September 29th-December 31st we will have a banner at the bottom of the broadcasts reminding viewers of fundraiser.